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Hi there.
I’m Jody Walker.

I am a Degree Qualified Naturopath, with qualifications in Nutrition & Western Herbal Medicine. I have 15 years of clinical experience and specialise in Women’s Hormonal Health, Thyroid Disorders and Children’s Health. I am an open, honest, evidence based practitioner, and provide a no BS approach to health. I like to inspire through leading by example and help you to implement your wellness goals in bitesize, achievable chunks.

I am passionate about period literacy and educating women of all ages about their bodies and helping them realise we can use our innate monthly hormonal fluctuations as our superpower. I believe a woman’s menstrual cycle is an insight into their overall health. I see a lot of women, who are suffering monthly chaos, and are completely burnt out, I help to get them back on track, and feeling themselves again.

I also assist patients with gut disorders, chronic health issues, stress, and general wellness.

When not in the clinic, I am running around after my two young kids, taking my two dogs Penny & Albert on beach adventures, and training for my next triathlon (I am a competitive triathlete).

I hold regular wellness workshops on-line and in person and work with local community organisations and corporate entities, developing corporate wellness programs.


Start from home.

Online courses are self paced and include topics such as womens hormone health, thyroid health, gut health and general wellness.




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